Los 10 principales fabricantes de pantallas LED en Nigeria

Tabla de contenido

  1. DU de código abierto
  2. Servicios de transposición
  3. bolígrafo rey
  4. Signfix Industrial Limitado
  5. Estiramiento internacional limitado
  6. Smartmel Limited
  7. LED de Excel
  8. Zeepad
  9. Al aire libre
  10. Folham

Pantalla LED para exteriores de Nigeria

En Nigeria, con el avance continuo de la tecnología y la creciente demanda del mercado, la industria de las pantallas LED se está desarrollando rápidamente y se ha convertido en una herramienta vital en publicidad, difusión de información y entretenimiento. Las pantallas LED, con su alto brillo, bajo consumo de energía y larga vida útil, son cada vez más preferidas por empresas y usuarios individuales. Hoy exploraremos los 10 principales fabricantes de pantallas LED en Nigeria, empresas que no solo se han establecido en el mercado nacional sino que también han demostrado su competitividad e innovación en el escenario internacional. Desde pequeñas pantallas monocromáticas hasta grandes pantallas de vídeo a todo color, estos fabricantes ofrecen una amplia gama de productos y soluciones para satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los clientes. Profundicemos en estos principales fabricantes de pantallas LED y aprendamos cómo se han convertido en líderes de la industria a través de la innovación tecnológica continua y un excelente servicio al cliente.

DU de código abierto

1. DU de código abierto

Descripción general de la empresa:

DU Opensource se estableció en 2008 con el objetivo más amplio de brindar servicios de medios al aire libre innovadores y rentables para conectar e involucrar al público. Lanzada oficialmente en 2010, opera como una empresa de publicidad exterior.

Tipos de productos:

DU Opensource se especializa en ofrecer servicios multimedia para exteriores, particularmente en el sector de las pantallas LED . Su objetivo es ayudar a los clientes a aumentar las ventas y el liderazgo en el mercado a través de soluciones innovadoras de medios exteriores que cautiven y conecten con el público.

Servicio al cliente:

  • DU Opensource proporciona servicios personalizados, adaptando soluciones a las necesidades únicas de cada empresa en lugar de ofrecer opciones genéricas.
  • Ofrecen análisis expertos basados ​​en hechos para ayudar a los clientes a tomar decisiones informadas con respecto a la elección de medios exteriores.
  • Al enfatizar el servicio al cliente, DU Opensource garantiza que cada cliente disfrute de una experiencia de servicio de primera clase, independientemente de su carga de trabajo o gasto en medios.
  • La empresa está comprometida a agregar valor para los clientes a través de soluciones innovadoras de medios para exteriores y siempre está buscando ideas creativas para respaldar la construcción de marca.

Servicios de transposición

2. Servicios de transposición

Descripción general de la empresa:

Transpose Communications Services, known as Transpose Services, is a leading marketing communication and branding agency focused on presenting the human side of brands to consumers through innovative and creative approaches. The company is dedicated to providing comprehensive brand strategies and activation services to help clients establish deep connections with consumers and drive sustained brand growth and success.

Product Types:

  • Brand Activation & Experiential Marketing: Transpose Services collaborates closely with clients to create immersive experiences that connect people with brands. The company employs strategically planned ATL (Above The Line) and BTL (Below The Line) activation strategies to create and execute memorable brand experiences that build brand affinity in consumers’ minds. What is an immersive exhibition? What LED displays will be used?
  • Flyer Distribution Services:
  • BRT Branding/Transit Advertising:
  • Outdoor Advertising
  • Event Management
  • Brand Promotion

Customer Service:

Transpose Services is passionate about serving clients and believes that for a product to be successful, there must be perfect chemistry between the brand and the consumer. The company is committed to finding more valuable, less intrusive marketing methods to win customers rather than buy them.

bolígrafo rey

3. Kingsballpen

Company Overview:

Kingsballpen is a brand, marketing, and advertising company based in Lagos, Nigeria, specializing in transforming creative visions into successful projects and businesses. The company is committed to helping clients achieve their growth objectives by providing a range of industry-leading branding, marketing, and advertising services. Kingsballpen aims to drive the growth and success of individual brands, SMEs, and organizations by establishing trusted partnerships with clients.

Product Types:

  • Outdoor Advertising: Includes strategically placed billboards, lamp post campaigns, static and LED billboard advertisements designed to capture the attention of target audiences. How do LED billboards work?
  • Brand Development
  • Corporate Profile Design
  • BRT Bus Branding
  • Creative Advertising:

Customer Service:

Kingsballpen values collaboration with clients and is dedicated to providing professional services that help clients achieve their business goals. The company establishes long-term trust with clients through in-depth research, precise brand positioning, and creative visual design.

Signfix Industrial Limitado

4. Signfix Industrial Limited

Company Overview:

Signfix Industrial Limited is a signage manufacturing company based in Nigeria with over 7 years of industry experience. The company specializes in providing innovative and visually appealing signage solutions to businesses of all sizes, both domestically and internationally. Signfix Industrial Limited understands the importance of effective signage for brand image and communication, and it is committed to creating custom signs that attract attention and accurately convey a brand’s unique identity.

Product Types:

Customer Service:

Signfix Industrial Limited prides itself on its commitment to quality and craftsmanship, using state-of-the-art technology and high-quality materials in the production of each sign. The company pays attention to detail, employing precise manufacturing processes and rigorous quality control measures to ensure signs are not only visually stunning but also durable and capable of standing the test of time.

The company’s team of skilled brand strategists, designers, engineers, and technicians is passionate about bringing clients’ visions to life. Signfix Industrial Limited takes a collaborative approach, working closely with clients to deeply understand their specific requirements, branding guidelines, and business goals to deliver products and services that exceed expectations.

Signfix Industrial Limited excels at providing signage solutions that go beyond aesthetics, recognizing the crucial role signage plays in increasing brand awareness, attracting foot traffic, and driving sales. By combining artistic talent with strategic thinking, the company creates impactful signage that helps clients achieve their business objectives. Whatever the client’s needs, Signfix Industrial Limited has the expertise and resources to ensure they receive the best signage solutions.

Estiramiento internacional limitado

5. Stretch International Limited

Company Overview:

Stretch International Limited is a specialized equipment rental, stage performance, production services, trade show, and conference support company dedicated to providing customized solutions to meet clients’ specific needs. The company focuses on applying the industry’s most advanced audiovisual technology, converting expertise into tangible value for clients through nationwide customized system integration solutions, equipment sales, and services.

Product Types:

  • Equipment Rental: Provides a wide range of audiovisual equipment for rent, including projectors, cameras, sound systems, etc., to support various events and conferences. What is the difference between indoor and outdoor LED rentals?
  • Stage Performance:
  • Production Services
  • Trade Show and Conference Support
  • Custom System Integration Solutions
  • Equipment Sales:
  • Service and Support

Customer Service:

Stretch International Limited understands that each client’s needs are unique, so they offer personalized services and solutions. The company’s customer service team focuses on understanding clients’ visions and needs, providing professional advice and support to ensure the success of each project. Whether for small events or large corporate projects, the company can provide the appropriate services and support.

Smartmel Limited

6. Smartmel Limited

Company Overview:

Smartmel Limited is an LED display company based in Abuja, Nigeria, with a solid reputation in the industry for its exceptional products and services. The company specializes in providing high-quality indoor and outdoor LED screen solutions to meet clients’ display needs in various settings. Smartmel Limited is committed to continuous innovation and technological enhancement to ensure clients achieve the best display performance and user experience.

Product Types:

Customer Service:

Smartmel Limited takes pride in its ability to provide comprehensive after-sales support and service to its clients. The company offers technical support, maintenance services, and training to ensure clients get the most out of their LED display systems. Their team of experienced professionals is always on hand to provide guidance, ensuring that each client receives the best possible service and product performance.

LED de Excel

7. Excel LED

Company Overview:

Excel LED is a top-tier LED display manufacturer in Nigeria that specializes in offering innovative LED display solutions. With a solid commitment to excellence, Excel LED has established itself as a leading provider of LED displays that meet international quality standards. The company serves a wide range of industries, including advertising, entertainment, retail, and hospitality, by delivering visually impactful and technologically advanced LED display systems.

Product Types:

Customer Service:

Excel LED places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction by offering excellent after-sales support. The company provides training, technical support, and maintenance services to ensure that clients’ LED display systems continue to operate at their best. Excel LED’s dedicated customer service team works closely with clients to understand their needs and deliver tailored solutions.


8. Zeepad

Company Overview:

Zeepad is a reputable LED display manufacturer in Nigeria known for its diverse range of LED products and solutions. The company is dedicated to delivering high-quality LED displays that cater to the varying needs of clients across different industries. Zeepad’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has made it a preferred choice for businesses seeking reliable and effective LED display solutions.

Product Types:

  • LED Display Panels
  • Digital Billboards
  • LED Signage
  • Interactive LED Displays
  • LED Lighting Solutions

Customer Service:

Zeepad se compromete a brindar un servicio al cliente excepcional ofreciendo soporte posventa integral. El experimentado equipo de la empresa está disponible para brindar asistencia técnica LED , servicios de mantenimiento y capacitación para garantizar que los sistemas de pantallas LED de los clientes funcionen de manera óptima. El enfoque de Zeepad en la satisfacción del cliente le ha valido una sólida reputación en el mercado nigeriano.

Al aire libre

9. Al aire libre

Descripción general de la empresa:

Outdoors es una empresa líder en pantallas LED en Nigeria que se especializa en brindar soluciones de publicidad exterior de alta calidad. La empresa ofrece una gama de productos de pantallas LED diseñados para captar la atención y mejorar la visibilidad de la marca. Outdoors se ha consolidado como un socio confiable para las empresas que buscan crear campañas publicitarias exteriores impactantes utilizando tecnología LED.

Tipos de productos:

  • vallas publicitarias LED
  • Señalización digital
  • Pantallas de vídeo LED
  • Soluciones LED personalizadas
  • Alquiler de pantallas LED:

Servicio al cliente:

Outdoors se dedica a brindar un excelente servicio al cliente ofreciendo soporte de extremo a extremo, desde la selección de productos hasta la instalación y el mantenimiento. El equipo de expertos de la empresa trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para garantizar que sus soluciones de pantallas LED estén perfectamente alineadas con sus objetivos publicitarios. Outdoors también ofrece soporte técnico continuo y servicios de mantenimiento para garantizar la longevidad y el rendimiento de sus productos LED.


10. Folham

Descripción general de la empresa:

Folham es un destacado fabricante de pantallas LED en Nigeria que ofrece una amplia gama de productos y soluciones LED para diversas industrias. La empresa es conocida por su compromiso con la calidad, la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente. Las pantallas LED de Folham están diseñadas para ofrecer confiabilidad y rendimiento visual superiores, lo que las convierte en una opción popular entre las empresas y organizaciones de Nigeria.

Tipos de productos:

  • Pantallas LED de interior
  • Pantallas LED para exteriores
  • Señalización LED: Soluciones de señalización LED personalizables para empresas y espacios públicos. ¿Cuánto cuesta un camión publicitario LED?
  • Paredes de vídeo LED
  • Alquiler de pantallas LED

Servicio al cliente:

Folham pone un gran énfasis en el servicio al cliente y ofrece soporte integral durante todo el ciclo de vida del producto. El equipo de atención al cliente de la empresa está disponible para ayudar a los clientes con la selección, instalación y mantenimiento de productos. Folham también brinda capacitación técnica y soporte para garantizar que los clientes puedan maximizar los beneficios de sus sistemas de pantallas LED.

Pantalla LED interior de Nigeria

Estos 10 principales fabricantes de pantallas LED en Nigeria están liderando el camino al ofrecer productos innovadores y de alta calidad y un servicio al cliente excepcional. Ya sea que esté buscando pantallas para interiores, soluciones de publicidad para exteriores o productos LED personalizados, estas empresas ofrecen una variedad de opciones para satisfacer sus necesidades. Centrándose en la tecnología, la calidad y la satisfacción del cliente, están estableciendo el estándar para la industria de pantallas LED en Nigeria.

Solución de visualización LED
